Bulletin allergo-pollinique - Historique
Select a pollen to access risk details in 2008

Summary 2008

Pollinic bulletin – 2008 summary      


Do not mix climate changes up which need a long set of data and meteorological conditions which relates events on a short time. Only the very bad weather in spring and at the beginning of the summer is responsible (more than 2007) of a 10% fall of pollen amounts recorded on the traps of our network. Only Aquitaine, RhĂŽne-Alpes and PACA, Montpellier, AngoulĂȘme and Strasbourg show an increase of the pollen grains dispersion from the beginning to the end of 2008 season.
There was also an important fall near the Manche and Atlantique coasts.
Some records among the stations running all the year: a pollen index of 101727 in Aix-en-Provence.
Some pollen index among the other stations: 107438 for Montpellier 74248 for Castres, 50081 for Lyon and 55330 for Montluçon.

Michel Thibaudon

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