Bulletin allergo-pollinique - Historique
Select a pollen to access risk details in 2000

Summary 2000

Pollen bulletin – 2000 summary       

2000 is characterized by a decrease of the pollination. The Mediterranean stations are still full of pollens (Nîmes, Aix en Provence, Toulon). Among other stations, Bordeaux and Toulouse break record. Rhône-Alpes and East of France stations underwent a significant decrease of the pollination.
2000 pollen season was disrupted by special weather conditions. The Christmas storm destroyed 5% of the French Forest but also provoked an elimination of a part of catkins that trees have prepared since Autumn.
Therefore, some tree pollens (alder, birch …) decreased strongly in some stations (Rouen, Paris, Strasbourg…).
Cypress pollens arrived lately than 1999, but were present on a longer time, provoking rhinitis, conjunctivitis and asthma.
For grasses pollens, there was a short and intense period at the beginning of the season (May), but thanks to bad weather conditions in June and July, they did not provoke strong symptoms. Therefore, there were many grasses pollens at the end of the season on several stations.
Mugwort pollens were almost absent on all the stations and ragweed pollens did not last for a long time, and only in some stations: they were found in large amount but only several pollens in Lyon despite the beautiful weather.
On the other hand, Grenoble counts allowed to notice an increase of the settling of this grass.
Watch out to moulds which obstructed many allergic people while summer and even at the beginning of Autumn. Likewise, pollution peaks exacerbated some allergic symptoms.
Michel Thibaudon

Allergic risk related to pollens in 2000
Allergic risk due to pollen is not only liked to grain numbers in the air. Indeed, several pollens are more allergenic and thresholds of sensitivity are specific to each of us. Maps which follow summed up, for the 10 pollens figuring on the list below, the allergic risk related to this pollen while 2000 season on France. The figures in brackets show months where this risk level was reached. It is only summaries, each year showing a different pollination profile, they cannot be used for the years to come.

Click on the icons on the right to access to details of allergic risks for each pollen in 2000.

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