Bulletin allergo-pollinique - Historique
Select a pollen to access risk details in 2009

Summary 2009

Pollinic bulletin – 2009 summary      


20% more in 2009 than in 2008: this increase of pollen amounts is mainly caused by favorable meteorological conditions to pollen production, especially at the end of the season.
The pollen index of 46 stations has increased whereas only 14 stations present a falling pollen index.
Two new stations really interesting in a pollinic point of view has joined the network in 2009 (Bourges and Bassens). On the other hand, La Ferté Macé, Millau and Saint-Quentin pollens traps have been stopped.
This year again, Montpellier station has the record, followed by Montluçon and Gap. Among the stations running the whole year, Aix-en-Provence station has the bigger pollen index, followed by Avignon.

Michel Thibaudon

Click on the icons on the right to access to details of allergic risks for each pollen in 2009.

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