Pollen report

Vegetation in town:
Information guide about plants with allergenic pollens


Pollen diary
Compare your symptoms to pollen concentrations on pollendiary.com

Updated 3rd of May

Rainfall over the last few days has brought some respite to allergy sufferers, but has also favored the growth of grasses. The risk of allergy will be low to medium for oak and grass pollens, but could quickly rise to high levels in many départements by mid-May, weather permitting.

Around the Mediterranean, parietaria (Urticaceae) and olive (Oleaceae) pollens are out in force, with a low to medium risk of allergy.

The risk of allergy will also be low for other flowering herbaceous plants (plantain and sorrel).

Pollen from Pinaceae (pine, fir, spruce, etc.) may yellow outdoor surfaces, but is not allergenic. 

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